Procedure of Endorsement

ESNR Endorsement criteria for courses and/or congresses

ESNR is frequently asked to endorse courses and/or congresses. A process needs to be in place that establishes transparent mechanisms and criteria. This procedure has the aim to clarify the criteria and decisions required to achieve ESNR endorsement for Courses and/or Congresses.

ESNR will endorse any course or congress other than those organized by ESNR following the below mentioned items:

  • organized by National Societies or Sections of Neuroradiology that are institutional members of the ESNR and have the relevance to a broader audience, at least at European level
  • organized by other Societies / Individuals in Europe that offer topics not conflicting with the ESNR

Assessment criteria:

  • Relevance of topic to the ESNR (it is expected that endorsement will be granted only in a limited number of cases)
  • Track record of organizers
  • Complete program with speaker or outline in case no final program available
  • Representation (leader in the field)
  • Fitting with ESNR policy/standpoint
  • Timing of the meeting and no conflict or clash with any ESNR activity
  • If they are of appropriate quality (assessed by the appropriated subspecialty committee)
  • if they provide clear benefit for ESNR visibility
  • if they provide clear benefit for neuroradiology in general


  • Appropriate Subspecialty Committee to approve and make recommendation (or expert ad-hoc committee suggested by Subspecialty Committee)


  • ESNR Executive Committee, advised by the appropriate Subspecialty Committee

Form of endorsement:

a. ESNR will advertise the event in ESNR organs, such as Events calendar of endorsed meetings, website, newsletter, and other communication channels (Journal, Facebook, mailings, etc.)

b. The endorsed party will:

· Provide a preferential rate for ESNR members

· Advertise ESNR at the event locally (next conferences, courses, membership information)

· Use ESNR logo in printed material (e.g. flyer), website…

Note for meetings from National Societies that belong to ESNR Institutional Council: National Societies of Neuroradiology will not need to request endorsement by ESNR. Their meetings will be published if at least the ESNR yearly Congress is placed on their website.